Monday, April 2, 2012

I just can't resist the sweet kanlı portakal (blood oranges) at my local pazar.

This weekend, we bought 7 kilos (15 lbs.) for 1.50 TL per kilo (about 45 cents per pound). Such a bargain!

I know the citrus season will be ending soon, so I'm trying to drink as much fresh blood orange juice and eat as many mandalina as I can. (See related posts about blood oranges here.)
The flesh of the blood oranges ranges from pale pinkish-orange to sunset to blood red.
Last week, I made a refreshing Italian soda of sorts with my pitcher of fresh blood orange juice. I added a bit of simple syrup to the blood orange juice and then topped off my glass with bubbly soda water. This is one of the simplest drink recipes I've done since I made the homemade ginger ale.

Take advantage of the refreshing citrus fruits while you can.

Soon, I'll be dreaming of fresh strawberry, peach and melon sodas!

Afiyet olsun!
For an old-fashioned feel, serve your blood orange soda in a small canning jar like this one. I found my canning jars at a Macro Center here in Istanbul.
Kanlı Portakal Soda/(Blood Orange Soda)

1          c.         (210 g.)            granulated sugar
1          c.         (240 ml.)          water

As needed:      Fresh blood orange juice
                        Sparkling water (I used Uludağ Doğal Zengin Mineralli Su) or soda water

In a small pot, add the sugar and water. Cook over medium-high heat until the sugar dissolves.

Let the mixture cool until it is room temperature. Or make ahead, and cool in the fridge. (I always keep a small jar of simple syrup in the fridge for drinks and using in my desserts.)

To make a glass of blood orange soda:
This really isn't a recipe. I find the blood oranges differ so much in sweetness, so I would recommend adjusting the simple syrup and soda to your liking.

Approx. 2 to 1 ratio of juice to soda water.

Blood orange juice
Sparkling water or soda water
1-2 teaspoons  simple syrup

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BacktoBodrum said...

I haven't had one blood orange yet, they must all be exported to Istanbul.

Joy said...

@BacktoBodrum, And then I must buy them all! =) I'm sure you've enjoyed some of the famous Bodrum mandalina though?

Unknown said...

What a fabulous photo of those oranges, Joy! You are such a good photographer. I haven't had one blood orange either!!! I love the sound of this though - so nice and healthy. I won't be buying any more mandalinas this season and probably not many more oranges of the eating sort!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i was just looking for blood oranges the other day to make this but unfortunately, none to be found! plus, they sure would not be 45 cents a pound here. enjoy some for me!

Joy said...

@Claudia, thank you! I've really been working on my photography skills since I joined the Photo Club. Now, if only, I had a really fancy lens too. ;-)

@jaz, It's probably the end of blood orange season in the US - usually ended in late March. I will continue to enjoy what I can over here.

Turkish Cuisine said...

that's exactly what I need now... I' m so thirsty:)I like the vivid picture you put at the background of the heading by the way!

Joy said...

@Turkish Cuisine, thanks for the kind words! The photos in the heading are ones I've taken around Turkey - sunflowers in Cappadocia, boat in Bodrum, and the rest in Istanbul.