Monday, January 16, 2012

Last month, I joked with U.S. friends and family members that we practically never get snow in Istanbul.

Well, now it's snowed here twice in the past three days!

I knew it was possible. The weather forecast said snowfall was possible today, but I still didn't believe it! (Last year, it didn't snow in the city until March.)

Apparently, the snowfall was very sporadic with nothing falling in Sultanahmet but plenty falling on the Asian side and even in our neighborhood near Beşiktaş. I briefly popped my head outside to take a few photos so I'll leave you with those for now.

Yes, friends, it does snow in Istanbul! =) 
Snowy palm trees in Istanbul! The flakes were falling fast when I took this photo.
It was cold enough outside for snow to accumulate on the ground in the city.
And this little tree near our apartment was covered in snow.

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Celine said...

Dear Joy,

I'm very glad that I found your blog!
I know right! My partner and I live in Gumussuyu between Besiktas and Taksim, here the roofs are covered with snow. It would be lovely to meet up one day because I live nearby! We (and our little Chi Bailey) moved from Holland to Istanbul about 6mnths ago.

Hope to see you around :),

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i can't believe this! you have snow in turkey and i have 50 degree weather and rain. bummer of a winter for me!

Joy said...

Hi Celine, good to hear from you! That sounds lovely! I'm always up for social outings. =) We'll be in touch soon.

@Jaz, how crazy is this snow here? I took a ton of photos today too, so I have more to post. Hopefully tomorrow.

Julia said...

Ahhh, how we would love to see Istanbul under a blanket of snow. Must be beautiful for taking photographs, if a tad cold. :)

Joy said...

@Julia, well it's snowing again tonight, so we should definitely get our fill of snow this winter. And yes, the city is lovely for photos right now. Camera happy! =)