Saturday, September 3, 2011

With a craving for bagels, where does one go in Istanbul when you are 5,000 miles away from NYC?

Luckily, we discovered Tribeca awhile back in nearby Nişantaşı. This cafe, with four locations in Istanbul, offers 14 kinds of bagels that are close as I can get to a NYC-style bagel here. This morning, Jason and I enjoyed a brunch of bagels with cream cheese served with the prerequisite "patates tavas" here. It was exactly what I wanted to satiate my bagel craving!

Tribeca bakes a decent bagel so I can't complain. But it's no match for my H&H everything bagel that I will devour as soon as I'm back in the U.S. for Christmastime!



jaz@octoberfarm said...

looks pretty good though!

Anonymous said...

The smoked Norwegian salmon bagel was tasty! I just wish there were capers too, but it was a proxy nonetheless.

Unknown said...

Are bagels really that fabulous?

Joy said...

Maybe bagels an American thing. Maybe bagels also are one of those things when you can't have it, you want it even more - like my love of pork. I generally only ate it once or twice a week, but since pork is a pricey and rare thing, I want it even more. =)

cecileeugenie said...

Ooh, am going to go there asap! There's nothing like a good bagel with fresh, whipped cream cheese!

PageAndLeaf said...

I love Tribeca's bagels, not the best in the world but quite tasty and satisfying! Hope you enjoyed yours, and thank you for the follow :) Love a good food blog xx