Friday, January 13, 2012

Buy a painting - get a free cat in Istanbul! =)
Many fuzzy felines - whether tabbies, black, grey, white or patchwork - call the streets of Istanbul home.

It's hard not to miss these, either skittish or friendly, cats because they are EVERYWHERE in this huge city!

When my U.S. friends visited here recently, I took my camera out about so I could shoot some good photos. One day we wandered about in the Çukurcuma neighborhood, located in the back streets of the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul. This area is home to more than 100 antique shops, several art galleries and stores as well as many photogenic street cats. (More about the antiques in a future post.)

I took about 150 photos in just one afternoon while we roamed around in Çukurcuma. This area is a photographer's dream - if you love old buildings and fascinating architectural elements like I do! Currently, I'm in the process of editing and going through these photos.

For now, here's a few photos of my favorite street cats of Çukurcuma:
Cats of Çukurcuma - The watch "dog" of the neighborhood.
Cats of Çukurcuma - Curled up for a nap
Cats of Çukurcuma - Wooden wagon wheel for sale. Cat is not.

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jaz@octoberfarm said...

awwww....turkish kitties! teddy would love them!

Joy said...

Would Teddy eat them? Or just chase them? ;-)

Julia said...

Great photos Joy. We loved wandering around Çukurcuma in October, despite the horrendous weather. Looking forward to your future posts on the area.

Deniz Bevan said...

Gorgeous! I love the cats of Istanbul.

Joy said...

@Julia, yes Çukurcuma is another special neighborhood in Istanbul. We were in the area again just this afternoon.

@Deniz, how can you resist the cats of Istanbul? I often take photos and try to pet them. =)

Andrew Graeme Gould said...

A great series of shots! All good, then, but if forced to choose, I'd go for the last for atmoshphere. (But the first is cutest!)

All the best from Chile...

Joy said...

@Andrew, welcome to my slice of Turkey! Thanks for stopping by.