Monday, April 16, 2012

Near our apartment here in central Istanbul, I can hear baby birds chirping.

Everywhere, in this bustling city that I love, are signs of new beginnings.

This weekend, I saw several kittens and two roly-poly little puppies. I couldn't resist playing with these fluff-ball puppies for several minutes.

But what I can't get enough of are the tulips, primroses, pansies and daisies planted throughout Istanbul. You'll see flowers next to trees, in window boxes, in the middle of congested highway medians and near metro stations and offices. Anywhere there's a patch of dirt, you'll likely find some bright blossoms.
Daisies are one of my favorite flowers!
I really must commend the city on the multitude of flowers planted everywhere.
I recently took a stroll through Sultanahmet and snapped some photos in Gülhane Park. This historical park, located near the Topkapı Palace, used to be part of the palace's outer garden. Some of the trees still date back to the 1800s. It really is lovely right now!
A soft carpet of pastel primroses in  Gülhane Park.
As you're sauntering around Sultanahmet, take a few extra minutes to stroll through Gülhane Park.
Here are a couple photos from my outing. Enjoy!
One of the entrances to Gülhane Park, which is near the Gülhane tramway stop.
Street dog resting in the flowers.
Man also resting near (not in) the flowers.

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Karen said...

I agree that the City of Istanbul deserves huge kudos for the glorious plantings all around the City. I love the investment in beauty that lasts a mere two weeks. It is worth it! Thanks for sharing your photos.

Mrs Ergül said...

What gorgeous blooms! I wanna be there NOW!!

Tina Maxima said...

Love Gülhane Park and Turkish flowers,especially tulips

Joy said...

@Karen, thank you! Yesterday, we explored near Yedikule, and I was amazed to see all the tulips planted out there too. That will be another post soon. ;-)

Joy said...

@Mrs Ergül and Tina, it really is lovely right now!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

just beautiful!!!

Terry (Adventures in Ankara) said...

Lovely shots Joy! There's still no flowers in Ankara popping up that I can see. Thanks for sharing!

Joy said...

@Joyce and Terry, thank you! And Terry, has it been colder there in Ankara? We've been having such bizarre weather here in Istanbul - so up and down.